
Read about CLS’ exciting journey from 2006 until now, which started with Professor Karl-Göran Tranberg discovering that laser beams could both destroy cancer and activate the immune system.


  • The limited market launch of the ClearPoint Prism Neuro Laser Therapy System for minimally invasive brain surgery continued in 2023.
  • CLS’s global distributor ClearPoint Neuro placed new orders to establish the system in more clinics in the US.
  • CLS and the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in the US launched a research collaboration on prostate cancer treatment.
  • In May, the initial phase of the CLS-sponsored study for the treatment of glioblastoma at Skåne University Hospital was completed and the study was expanded with up to ten additional patients.


  • CLS received 510(k) clearance from the FDA for its laser ablation system for use with MRI guidance in neurosurgery, which is now sold under the brand name ClearPoint Prism™ Neuro Laser Therapy System.
  • The company received an order of approximately SEK 5.5 million from ClearPoint Neuro. 
  • CLS and Skåne University Hospital initiated a collaboration to conduct a clinical study of MRI-guided laser ablation treatment using the TRANBERG® Thermal Therapy System with the Thermoguide™ Workstation in patients with glioblastoma.
  • Through a successful collaboration with GE Healthcare and its partner Image Guided Therapy, a new version of the TRANBERG® Thermoguide™ Workstation was launched, which is compatible with MRI scanners from GE Healthcare.
  • In the US our subsidiary CLS Americas launched the TRANBERG® Thermal Therapy System for Focal Laser Ablation (FLA) as an outpatient treatment for localized prostate cancer.  
  • Radboud University Medical Center, in the Dutch city of Nijmegen initiated an investigator-initiated study of MRI-guided focused laser ablation for the treatment of prostate cancer using the TRANBERG® Thermal Therapy System with the Thermoguide Workstation.


  • CLS received US FDA 510(k) clearance for the next-generation TRANBERG® Laser Applicator, non-cooled, and the TRANBERG® Introducer for use with or without scanning systems based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  • CLS and Otto von Guericke University Hospital in Magdeburg, Germany received approval to start an investigator-initiated clinical study of treatment of localized prostate cancer with the TRANBERG® Thermal Therapy System. 
  • A scientific article written by CLS co-founder and senior scientific adviser Professor Karl-Göran Tranberg was published under the title ‘Local Destruction of Tumors and Systemic Immune Effects’ in the journal Frontiers in Oncology.


  • CLS received EU approval for its new thermometry software, ThermoGuide, and at the same time the company received an updated EC certificate for the TRANBERG® system, including the new software.
  • A cooperation agreement was signed with Advanced Medical Systems Pte Ldt (AMS), where the parties through a joint venture company, CLS Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., will establish CLS products in the Asia Pacific region.
  • The Phase II clinical study, regarding treatment with MR-guided focal laser ablation of localized low/intermediate-risk prostate cancer, which is being carried out at the Toronto General Hospital in Canada by Dr. Sangeet Ghai, was expanded by 30 patients.


  • In line with CLS’ strategy to offer a complete product portfolio supporting the workflow of image-guided laser ablation procedures, the company signed an agreement with Siemens Healthineers. The agreement gives CLS the right to license Siemens Healthineers’ Access-i software to integrate the TRANBERG® Thermal Therapy System, including the new software product Thermoguide, with Siemens Healthineers MRI Magnetom scanners.
  • Sangeet Ghai at Toronto General Hospital presented an interim report from its ongoing study where 14 patients, diagnosed with low-medium risk prostate cancer, are treated with focal laser ablation using the TRANBERG® system. The report shows encouraging oncological and functional short term results for this group of patients.


  • During 2018, the company finalized clinical studies regarding its imILT treatment of pancreatic cancer within the EU Horizon 2020 project initiated in 2016. An interim report was filed with the European Commission. However, a follow up period for the patients treated remains.
  • CLS communicates a new product and development strategy to offer the market advanced technology and products supporting the complete workflow for image-guided laser ablation procedures. A collaboration with Image Guided Therapy (IGT) is initiated in order to perform the product development work necessary for this task. CLS also signs an agreement with ClearPoint Neuro (formerly MRI Interventions) regarding product development as well as distribution. With this collaboration, CLS takes the first step into the neuro and spine area, a space with stringent regulatory demands in both Europe and the U.S.


  • CLS acquires part of the German company Laser- und Medizin-Technologie GmbH (LMTB), and thereby secures access to patents and technology for CLS’ unique diffusor fiber.
  • CLS carries out non-randomized clinical studies regarding imILT treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer and breast cancer, financially supported by a grant from Horizon 2020. The study’s objective is to obtain safety and feasibility data for the TRANBERG system to support CE approval for the product, but also to get initial efficacy data to serve as guidance for future decisions on further clinical development.
  • CLS single use instruments are evaluated by University of Texas Medical Branch for MR-guided laser ablation prostate treatment. CLS received its first order from another U.S. hospital for its Laser Applicator diffusor type product. During the year, CLS also obtained orders from three additional hospitals in the U.S. through its subsidiary CLS Americas Inc.


  • CLS is granted approximately SEK 20 million in project funding from the EU program Horizon 2020. The project involves three clinical studies and activities related to these.
  • The Company finalizes its first post-market clinical follow-up report. The report is based on eight imILT® treatments with the TRANBERG® System. There have been no serious side effects reported that can be linked to the treatment – the system is safe provided that the treatment instructions are followed.
  • CLS signs a letter of intent with the Department of Radiology at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB).


  • The US FDA grants CLS approval to market and sell its product, the TRANBERG® Thermal Therapy System, on the US market.
  • In cooperation with the University Hospital of Verona in Italy and the Institut Paoli-Calmettes in Marseille, France, CLS is granted approval to conduct studies of the treatment of pancreatic cancer.


  • The Company releases a supplementary treatment kit that enables percutaneous treatment (i.e. treatment via needle stick approach) of tumors that are up to 35 centimeters deep in the body.
  • CLS submits a 510(k) application to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to seek approval of the TRANBERG® System for the US market.


  • CLS is granted approval for CE marking of the TRANBERG® Cancer Immunotherapy System.
  • CLS initiates clinical studies in cooperation with a European medical center and begins development of additional treatment kits for outpatient use.


  • The fourth round of funding is secured, providing SEK 20 million.
  • The treatment system is tested and documented in accordance with the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC (MDD).
  • The Company’s partner INTERmedic delivers its first product in the “0 series”.


  • CLS’ quality assurance system is certified in accordance with ISO 13485.
  • A collaboration is established with a US laser fiber supplier.
  • The Company enters into a cooperation agreement with Spanish development and production partner INTERmedic.


  • The third round of funding is secured, providing SEK 16 million.
  • The first prototype is complete.


  • The Company is listed on the Aktietorget stock exchange.
  • The second round of funding is secured, providing SEK 5 million.


  • CLS wins Venture Cup Syd, a business plan competition aimed at promoting the implementation of business ideas.


  • Clinical Laserthermia Systems (CLS) is founded by Karl-Göran Tranberg, Pär Henriksson and Lars-Erik Eriksson with the aim of developing a commercial product based on Professor Tranberg’s discovery that will be used by doctors to treat cancer worldwide.
  • The first round of funding is secured.
  • The Company enters into a cooperation agreement with a Swedish prototype development partner.
  • Professor Karl-Göran Tranberg discovers that heat from laser beams can not only destroy cancer locally under the right conditions, but also stimulate the immune system to attack cancer throughout an organism.

News and Insights

20 December, 2024

Seasonal Greetings from CLS

The Holiday Season is approaching, and the CLS team wishes our shareholders, collaboration partners, clinicians & patients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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10 October, 2024

CLS and ClearPoint Neuro at CNS 2024 in Houston

Last week we joined the 2024 Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) meeting in Houston where our partner ClearPoint Neuro, Inc. exhibited the ClearPoint Prism® Neuro Laser Therapy System, powered by CLS. In addition to good booth traffic and customer discussions, we also took part in the scientific program providing the latest updates on the use of Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy (LITT) in neurosurgery.

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30 September, 2024

Two Abstracts on CLS TRANBERG system accepted for the 15th FTS Annual Meeting

Both abstracts provide the latest insights into the clinical use of focal laser ablation for prostate cancer, contributing to the ongoing development of minimally invasive cancer therapies.

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